Reclaiming Everyday with Gina and Joanie

I was delighted and honored when Gina Stinson, author of Reclaimed: Stories of Rescued Moments and Days, requested an interview with me for her blog.

Gina understands grief and loss. But God has has restored her joy as He reclaimed these seasons of her life for his glory. She loves to share her story as well as listen to the stories of others reclaimed and rescued through the grace and power of God.

Gina also understands the power of stories and that “Your story plus my story become our stories”.

Together, let’s build a legacy of stories of hope and reclamation.

Here is the link to my story of a rescued and reclaimed life. May you find encouragement and hope.

Check out Gina’s book, Reclaimed: Stories of Rescued Moments and Days.

Bio: Gina Stinson After years of living in fear and defeat, Gina Stinson is busy reclaiming every day for God’s glory. She is a pastor’s wife of 27 years and mom of two. Between family and ministry, she dabbles in gardening, crocheting and playing music on her second hand, baby grand piano. She writes true stories of God’s reclaiming power and is a storyteller for those who have overcome their circumstances and embraced God’s goodness.  Contact Gina:

What is your story?

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