Self-Care According to Bucky, the UW Mascot

Self-care is often last on the list of priorities for busy women. Bucky, the UW mascot, would like to share a few thoughts on this subject since July is self-care month. He is assisted by a few of his comrades displayed throughout the Madison area during Bucky on Parade. Let’s help Broadcaster Bucky get the word out. 

Broadcaster Bucky

With Garding Cancer emblazoned on his chest, Vial Caps For A Cure Bucky reminds us of the importance of regular check-ups and being aware of any changes in our bodies.

A healthy lifestyle includes physical activity, and Wisconsin offers a plethora of opportunities. Bike the Burg Bucky promotes bike riding through town, along bike paths, and even around the lakes, preferably with the wind at our backs! For me, I will join Bucky in Bearadise at the pool and swim—aerobic exercise, stress reduction, sun, and no sweat!

Bucky at the Terrace invites us to enjoy the beauty of our Wisconsin lakes. Rest in the iconic chairs dotting the terrace. Catch a pontoon boat ride around the lake, canoe, kayak, or sail. Maybe you enjoy fishing and relishing the catch of the day as the sun sets, splashing its array of pastels across the horizon.

Grow Bucky encourages us to plant flowers and gardens, savor the fruit of our labors. My oncologist tells me digging in the soil is therapeutic. For myself, I enjoy photographing the floral beauty others designed.  

Golden Bucky traveled to undisclosed locations. I discovered this prized Bucky gleaming under a sunset of pink and purple hues shimmering over the lake. Gold symbolizes what is most valuable. For me, my faith is more valuable then gold (Philippians 3:14). My spiritual self-care includes worship, prayer, and God’s Word. 

Bucky Come Se Picasso invites us to acquaint ourselves with a variety of art forms especially during those dog days of summer. Maybe try your own hand in an art class, paint night, or crafting. Creativity allows for self-expression, gives us a sense of accomplishment, and reduces stress.

Bucky Come Se Picasso invites us to acquaint ourselves with a variety of art forms especially during those dog days of summer. Maybe try your own hand in an art class, paint night, or crafting. Creativity allows for self-expression, gives us a sense of accomplishment, and reduces stress.

“How about reading a book?” Well Red Bucky asks. Books provide information and teach us new skills. Their stories spark our imaginations, transport us into new adventures, and help us understand other people. 

Music Man Bucky displays an array of instruments tuned to capture our emotions whether happy, sad, or nostalgic. Their melodies reach into the inner recesses of our souls and even awaken memories of past seasons.

Take a road trip and checkout Pieces of Wisconsin. Gather with friends, tour cities, or experience new adventures off the beaten path. 

After all of our exploits, Goodnight Bucky reminds us to get a good night’s sleep. And let’s not forget to Dream Big!

What are your favorite self-care activities?

2 thoughts on “Self-Care According to Bucky, the UW Mascot”

  1. Have never been to the Madison area, even though I lived in northern IL for several years. Never knew Bucky had such a following. Some great ideas there. Mine would have to be “Goodnight Bucky”, although a “Cowboy Bucky” would be a favorite too as I get plenty of exercise and activity on the ranch each day. 🙂 Thank you for such as inspiring post.

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