I had inadvertently stumbled upon Bucky On Parade, a total of 85 Buckys created by various local artists. For four months the Buckys would be displayed around the city and afterward many would be auctioned off for charity.
From this point on, my vehicle automatically diverted to Bucky sightings. My car had caught the Bucky Bug.
Scrolling Facebook, I spotted a photo taken in UW Health at The American Center featuring “Golden Bucky,” the only Bucky who pops up every few days at a new non-disclosed location. Despite a day stacked with appointments from the Westside to Waunakee, I drove to Sun Prairie, determined to find the treasured “Golden Bucky.” I asked the UW Health receptionist, “Where is Bucky?”
“Golden Bucky” had been dismantled and transported to his new location thirty minutes prior to my arrival. Would I ever find “Golden Bucky?”
2 thoughts on “Bucky On Parade Chronicles (Part I)”
Anita Klumpers
great photos! Will you find Golden Bucky? I can’t wait to find out!
great photos! Will you find Golden Bucky? I can’t wait to find out!
Wait and see!